Traffic Crash Reconstruction Refresher Course

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Audience: Experienced Crash Reconstructionist

Pre-requisite: Must be a current Crash Reconstructionist

Equipment Required: Students MUST furnish their own calculators, drafting equipment (Blue Blitz Templates or equivalent), Formula Books

Scope: This class is to bring the experienced Crash Reconstructionist up to date on current methods and techniques used in the field of crash investigation and crash reconstruction. Students will gain knowledge in the calculations of the Principal Direction of Force (PDOF) and Delta V’s (change of velocity) and their relative importance to the investigation. Review of current methods used in determining impact speeds, post impact speeds and approach and departure angle measurements will be discussed and practiced. The importance of a complete Time & Distance Analysis and how it relates to the investigation. Students will be provided information on how to perform speed calculations using Conservation of Linear Momentum when speeds other than post impact speeds are known.

Topics: Conservation of Linear Momentum review along with update information, Braking Percentages, Roadway Friction Values and the proper methods to adjust for braking and grade, Principal Direction of Force calculations, Delta V calculations, Vectors and their importance, Report Writing, Case File Preparation, and Do’s and Don’ts in investigations. Additionally discussions regarding “What do I do now, my electronic measuring devices and computer won’t work” and how to continue with the investigation. Evidence documentation and proper collection techniques and the information the Crime Lab can provide.
Students will be provide real world crashes to reconstruct as class projects.

April 11th, 2016 8:00 AM to April 15th, 2016 5:00 PM
3025 Lebanon Road
Classroom B
Nashville, TN 37214
United States