The SFST training focuses on a set of examination procedures that provide officers knowledge and
tools for DWI detection. The SFST course provides detailed explanations of the evaluation procedures, careful demonstrations of these procedures (both "live" and via video), and ample opportunities for the participants to practice administering the evaluations.
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Detection & General Deterrence
3. The Legal Environment
4. Overview of Detection, Note Taking & Testimony
5. Phase One: Vehicle in Motion
6. Phase Two: Personal Contact
7. Phase Three: Pre-Arrest Screening
8. Concepts and Principles of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
9. Test Battery Demonstrations
10. “Dry Run” Practice
11. “Testing Subjects” Practice: First Session
12. Processing the arrested suspect & preparing for trial
13. Report writing exercise & Moot Court
14. “Testing Subjects” Practice: Second Session
15. Review & Examination
16. Program Conclusion
Tullahoma Police Department
Tullahoma, TN 37388
United States
Event Info