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Impaired Driving

Impaired Driving Prevention

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) is Tennessee’s advocate for traffic safety. The THSO partners with community advocates and law enforcement agencies across the state to reduce impaired-driving crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Booze It & Lose It is Tennessee’s statewide campaign that coincides with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.

Driving under the influence (DUI), also known as driving while intoxicated (DWI), drunk driving, or impaired driving, is the crime of driving a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs, including those prescribed by physicians.

In Tennessee, a drunk driver’s level of intoxication is typically determined by the measurement of blood alcohol content (BAC). A BAC measurement of 0.08% defines the criminal offense. 

Being convicted of driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol can impact your life in many ways, including loss of employment, prevention of employment in certain jobs, higher insurance rates, serious financial setbacks, personal and family embarrassment, and possible incarceration.

The THSO offers the following resources to help educate Tennesseans about impaired-driving crashes.

Data and Statistics

  • THSO Crash Data – Provided by the Tennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network (TITAN)
    Tennessee Crash Data
  • NHTSA Fact Sheet – State Alcohol-Impaired Driving 2019 Data
    Published August 2021 – Source
  • NHTSA Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign
    Campaign Materials

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Contact: Jason Ivey