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Traffic Safety Laws

Below, you can quickly search by topic to see which laws are pertinent to you and what number to search for in the Tennessee Code. The Tennessee Code Unannotated is offered through free public access by LexisNexis.

Alcohol & Drug Laws

TCA 55-10 401: Driving under the influence prohibited -- Alcohol concentration in blood or breath. 
TCA 55-10-402: Penalty for violations of § 55-10-401 -- Alternative facilities for incarceration -- Public service work -- Inpatient alcohol and drug treatment.
TCA 55-10-403: Fines for violations of § 55-10-401 -- Restitution.
TCA 55-10-405: Prior convictions -- Driving record as evidence.
TCA 55-10-406: Tests for Alcoholic or Drug Content of Blood -- Implied Consent - Refusal to submit to test etc.
TCA 55-10-407: Penalty for violations of § 55-10-406.
TCA 55-10-408: Tests for alcohol or drug content of blood -- Procurement and processing of samples -- Results -- Additional testing.
TCA 55-10-409: Restricted driver license -- Ignition interlock device -- Geographic restrictions.
TCA 55-10-410: Probation conditions -- Access to inmates by alcohol and drug treatment organizations.
TCA 55-10-411: Presumption of impairment -- Notice of penalties for additional offenses -- Allegation of prior convictions -- Mandatory service of minimum sentence -- No defense that person is lawful user of substance -- Strip searches -- Jurisdiction of general sessions court.
TCA 55-10-415: Underage Driving While Impaired -- Penalties 
TCA 55-10-416: Open Container Law. 
TCA 55-10-420: Litter removal program.
TCA 55-10-421: Adult driving while impaired.
TCA 55-10-422: Program development fee required for applicants for restricted license for vehicle with ignition interlock device.
TCA 55-10-423: Confidentiality of information about interlock program participant.

Bicycle Safety Laws

TCA 55-52-103: Bicycle Chapter Definitions
TCA 55-52-104: Helmet Purpose
TCA 55-52-105: Child Bicycle Safety Rules and Regulations
TCA 55-52-106: Penalty -- Defense --Inadmissibility as evidence in civil action -- Issuance of warning and citation. 
TCA 55-8-171: Operation of Bicycles and Play Vehicles - Penalty - Effect of Regulations
TCA 55-8-172: Traffic Laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles - Penalty
TCA 55-8-173: Riding on Bicycles - Penalty
TCA 55-8-174: Clinging to Vehicles - Penalty
TCA 55-8-175: Riding on Roadways and Bike Paths - Penalty
TCA 55-8-176: Carrying Articles on Bicycles - Penalty
TCA 55-8-177: Bicycle Lamps and Brakes - Penalty
TCA 55-8-197: Failure to Yield Right of Way - Rules of the Road

Child Safety Laws

TCA 55-10-206: Off - Road Vehicles - Prohibited Acts - Penalties. 
TCA 55-10-403: Fines for violations of § 55-10-401 -- Restitution.
TCA 55-10-802: Part Definitions 
TCA 55-10-803: Offense of Leaving Child Unattended in Motor Vehicle - Penalty
TCA 55-50-312: Licensing of Minors (Motor-driven cycles)
TCA 55-52-201: Offense of Operation by Minors
TCA 55-52-202: Penalty for Operation of Off-Highway Motor Vehicles by Minors - Defenses
TCA 55-8-189: Transporting Child in Truck Bed
TCA 55-9-602: Child Passenger Restraint Systems -Violations - Penalties
TCA 55-9-603: Use of Safety Belts in Passenger Vehicles-Violations-Penalities-Arrest-Applicability
TCA 55-9-606: Passengers Over Sixteen Years of Age
TCA 29-34-209: Immunity for Forcible Entry of a Motor Vehicle to Remove Minor or Animal

Leaving Scene of Accident

TCA 40-7-103: Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Motorcycle Laws

TCA 55-10-205: Motorcycle Reckless Driving - Front Tire Off the Ground
TCA 55-50-312: Licensing of Minor (Motor-driven cycle)
TCA 55-50-312: Licensing of Minor (Motor-driven cycle)
TCA 55-51-102: Rider Education Program
TCA 55-51-103: Rider Education Program
TCA 55-51-106: Insurance Discount
TCA 55-52-201: Child Safety in Operation of Off-Highway Motor Vehicle
TCA 55-52-202: Penalty for Operation of Off-Highway Motor Vehicles by Minors - Defenses
TCA 55-8-110: Traffic Control Signals - Inoperative
TCA 55-8-164: Riding on Motorcycle
TCA 55-8-182: Riding On Laned Roadways
TCA 55-9-302: Motorcycle Helmet Required for Driver and Passenger
TCA 55-9-303: Seat for Passenger
TCA 55-9-304: Windshields — Safety Goggles, Face Shields or Glasses
TCA 55-9-305: Rearview Mirrors and Footrests
TCA 55-9-306: Violation of this part — Penalty
TCA 55-9-307: Parent or Guardian Knowingly Permitting Minor to Violate this Part — Penalty
TCA 55-9-308: Part Inapplicable to Autocycles

Move Over Law/Emergency Vehicles

TCA 55-8-132: Operation of vehicles and streetcars on approach of authorized emergency vehicles.

Pedestrian Laws

TCA 55-8-110: Traffic-control Signals
TCA 55-8-111: Pedestrian-control Signals
TCA 55-8-133: Pedestrians Subject to Traffic Regulations
TCA 55-8-134: Pedestrian's Right-of-Way in Crosswalks
TCA 55-8-135: Crossing at Other Than Crosswalks
TCA 55-8-136: Drivers to Exercise Due Care
TCA 55-8-137: Pedestrians to Use the Right Half of Crosswalks
TCA 55-8-138: Pedestrians on Roadways
TCA 55-8-180: Pedestrians Led By Guide Dog or Carrying Identifying Cane Given Right of Way - Penalty
TCA 55-8-197: Failure to Yield Right of Way - Rules of the Road

Railroad Grade Crossing Laws

TCA 55-8-145: Obedience to Signal Indication Approach of Train - Penalty
TCA 55-8-146: All Vehicles Must Stop at Certain Railroad Grade Crossings - Statutes not to Affect Common Law Right of Recovery
TCA 55-8-147: Certain Vehicles Must Stop at All Railroad Grade Crossings

Safety Belt Laws

TCA 55-9-601: Required - Specifications - Violations - Penalities
TCA 55-9-602: Child Passenger Restraint Systems -Violations - Penalties
TCA 55-9-603: Use of safety belts in passenger vehicles -Violations - Penalties - Arrest - Applicability
TCA 55-9-604: Failure to Wear Belt - Contributory Negligence-Evidence
TCA 55-9-606: Safety Belts - Passengers Over Sixteen Years of Age

School Bus/Church Bus

TCA 55-8-151: School Bus (or Church Bus) Overtaking and Passing

Speed Laws

TCA 55-50-311: Cell phone and Learner permit - Intermediate license - Fees - Restrictions - Penalties - Application - Parental notification
TCA 55-8-117: Overtaking Vehicle on Left
TCA 55-8-118: When Overtaking on the Right is Permitted
TCA 55-8-119: Limitations on Overtaking on the Left
TCA 55-8-152: Speed Limits - Penalties TCA 55-8-153 Establishment of Speed Zones TCA 55-8-155: Special Speed Limitation on Motor-driven Cycles - Penalty
TCA 55-8-156: Special Speed Limitations - Penalties
TCA 55-8-157: Charging Violations
TCA 55-8-191: Operation of Low Speed Vehicles - Prohibitions - License
TCA-55-8-154: Minimum Speed Regulation - Turnouts - passing Bays - Penalties

Teen Driving Laws

TCA 55-10-415: Underage Driving While Impaired - Penalties
TCA 55-8-199: Use of hand-held mobile telephone or personal digital assistant prohibited while driving
TCA 55-9-603: Use of safety belts in passenger vehicles -Violations - Penalties - Arrest - Applicability
TCA 55-9-606: Safety Belts - Passengers Over Sixteen Years of Age

Texting, Mobile Phones, and Devices

TCA 55-50-311: Cell phone and Learner permit - Intermediate license - Fees - Restrictions - Penalties - Application - Parental notification
TCA 55-8-199: Use of hand-held mobile telephone or personal digital assistant prohibited while driving

Traffic Terms and Definitions

TCA Law 55-50-102
TCA Law 55-8-101


TCA 55-8-189: Transporting Child in Truck Bed
TCA 55-8-195: Semis and Tractor Trailers Driving in Specific Lanes on Certain Highways

Young Adults

TCA 55-10-415: Underage Driving While Impaired

Work Zone Traffic

TCA 55-8-152: Speed Limits - Penalties
TCA 55-8-153: Establishment of Speed Zones