Steve Dillard
Senior Law Enforcement Liaison
Phone: 423-421-3443
Steve Dillard serves as the Senior Law Enforcement Liaison for the Tennessee Highway Safety Office. Steve has been with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office for 15 years. Steve was promoted to Senior LEL in March 2019 and he will now serve full-time in this capacity as of January 1, 2021. Prior to his position as the East TN LEL, he served three years as a network coordinator for the Cumberland Region from 2006 - 2009. Steve is a veteran law enforcement officer with 42 years of service in his field. Steve serves as the State Coordinator for the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing program (SFST), and the “Saved by the Belt” program. Steve was a General Department Instructor for many years and has been an active SFST Instructor. As well as instructing classes for In-Service hours and assisting the TN Attorney General’s Conference. Under Steve’s leadership, the East Tennessee Region has been recognized by the International Association of Chiefs of Police for having the best multijurisdictional highway traffic safety program in the nation. Steve served for a total of 27 years with the Red Bank Police Department and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office before joining the THSO.
Under Steve’s leadership, the East Tennessee Region received First Place in the Multi-Jurisdictional Category at the TN. Law Enforcement Challenge Awards in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. East TN Region was recognized as the Best Multi-Jurisdictional Region in the Nation in 2010, 2011, and 2012 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police noting our regional work in the multi-jurisdictional law enforcement program's in the nation. Steve is a member of the TN Association Chiefs of Police and is active in the National Law Enforcement Liaison Program through IACP. Steve is married to his wife Jennifer and they have three grown daughters and three grand-daughters. Steve has his Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Bethel University.